Avocado aids insulin function
Avocado is excellent for weight loss and weight control
Many individuals are at first stunned when learning that one of the best foods for weight loss is avocado.
The prevailing understanding of avocado is full of fat and fat is bad.
The problem with the prevailing notion of avocado is that it is simply wrong. Avocado is one of your best foods for weight loss and one of our top weight loss fats.
Yes, avocado is full of fat - but it's full of good fat. Bad fat makes you fat; good fat keeps you from getting fat.
Avocado is high in monounsaturated fat. Research clearly indicates diets high in monounsaturated fat are more beneficial for weight control because monounsaturated fat exerts beneficial effects on how your body uses blood sugar.
Avocado possesses a double whammy when it comes to weight loss and blood sugar metabolism. Avocado contains a unique weight loss friendly carbohydrate called mannoheptulose.
Half an Avocado has 160 calories. so one avocado and two slices of wholegrain toast a day is plenty enough and will also result in speeding up your metabolism and help you lose fat, especially belly
fat!! (bonus)
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