My life with an Eating disorder. This blog is my distraction and journal of Pro-ana
30 November 2011
Food chest
I've found that my greatest trick on fighting the urge to snack, is to create a food chest. Its so much fun and its very addictive. You get a secret hiding place, and you start off by putting all the sweets and non perishable snacks and chips and etc in it. I have a large box that sits in my cupboard. I love putting my junkfood that im given or buy as a cover up in it. As the pile grows, im more determined to not eat that stuff so that my pile can get bigger. And the best part is that you can invite your friends over (or bring stuff to school) and give your friends a bunch of goodies. I find that creating a set place for my food helps me a lot with avoiding binge eating. if you have any ideas or anything similar, i'd love to know :)...
25 November 2011
We as anorexics tend to suffer from minerl deficiency because we pass up most of our daily vitamins and minerals (which come from food). Therefore it is advised to take multi vitamins and thus nsuring that you stay healthy and your body continues to look perfect.
Vitamin A: (retinol)
this vitamin is good for eyesight, appetite and taste.
Vitamin B1: (thiamine)
vitamin is good for the nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart and alcohol damaged nerve tissue.
Vitamin B2: (riboflavin)
vitamin is good for growth, nails, skin, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, (and if you dare eat this) the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B6: (pyridoxine)
this vitamin prevents skin conditions and nerve problems.
Vitamin B12: (cobalamin)
this vitamin is good for making red blood cells and the formation of nerves.
Vitamin C: (ascorbic acid)
this vitamin is good for immune defence system, protection from viruses and bacteria, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, cell lifespan and preventing scurvy.
Vitamin D:
this vitamin is good for strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin E: (tocopherol)
this vitamin is good for fighting toxins. (is a good antioxidant)
Folic acid:
production of red blood cells.
this is good for strong bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting.
this is good for red blood cells and muscle function, white blood cells and the immune system.
good for converting energy from food, cell repair, building strong bones, teeth and muscles and regulating body temperature.
good for the immune system and the breakdown of protein and fat.
do not overdose in vitamins. take the recomended daily amount that you will find on the package. an overdose will result in the opposite effect and can be dangerous to your body.
I've found that with taking vitamins, its like eating and planing a meal. You would not eat the same thing every day. swap your vitamins around and get a covered basis of all vitamins in a week. I recomend up to 4 different vitamins every day so that your body can use them and not dispose of them.
Good luck and stay healthy.
Vitamin A: (retinol)
this vitamin is good for eyesight, appetite and taste.
Vitamin B1: (thiamine)
vitamin is good for the nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart and alcohol damaged nerve tissue.
Vitamin B2: (riboflavin)
vitamin is good for growth, nails, skin, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, (and if you dare eat this) the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B6: (pyridoxine)
this vitamin prevents skin conditions and nerve problems.
Vitamin B12: (cobalamin)
this vitamin is good for making red blood cells and the formation of nerves.
Vitamin C: (ascorbic acid)
this vitamin is good for immune defence system, protection from viruses and bacteria, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, cell lifespan and preventing scurvy.
Vitamin D:
this vitamin is good for strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin E: (tocopherol)
this vitamin is good for fighting toxins. (is a good antioxidant)
Folic acid:
production of red blood cells.
this is good for strong bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting.
this is good for red blood cells and muscle function, white blood cells and the immune system.
good for converting energy from food, cell repair, building strong bones, teeth and muscles and regulating body temperature.
good for the immune system and the breakdown of protein and fat.
do not overdose in vitamins. take the recomended daily amount that you will find on the package. an overdose will result in the opposite effect and can be dangerous to your body.
I've found that with taking vitamins, its like eating and planing a meal. You would not eat the same thing every day. swap your vitamins around and get a covered basis of all vitamins in a week. I recomend up to 4 different vitamins every day so that your body can use them and not dispose of them.
Good luck and stay healthy.
We as anorexics tend to suffer from minerl deficiency because we pass up most of our daily vitamins and minerals (which come from food). Therefore it is advised to take multi vitamins and thus nsuring that you stay healthy and your body continues to look perfect.
Supress hunger
Drink water. Most people do not drink enough water to keep the body properly hydrated. If you drink 20 ounces of water a day, you are still drinking more water than a great number of Americans.
Chew gum. The calories you might take in (next to none) from the gum will be spent in the chewing process, keeping your mouth busy and satisfying any underlying urge for shoving food in your gullet.
Talk. Another diversionary tactic that can also help stimulate your mind and help you form deeper bonds with someone. If you're traveling alone, call a friend you haven't talked to in a while and catch up with them.
Walk it off. This will burn calories and distract your mind.
Indulge in a different interest, such as window-shopping in your favorite part of the store, if that is where you are when hunger strikes.
When you're at home and the craving strikes, do an errand you've been putting off for a while and tell yourself, you can go check the fridge after you're done. But be careful! fridge pickers wear big knickers.
When in doubt, DRINK MORE WATER. You cannot overdose on water, your body needs it, and aside from helping to give a short-term break from hunger, drinking enough water every day will actually help you have more beautiful hair, skin and assist your digestive processes... HELPING YOU LOSE WEIGHT!
Be thinking about it. Maintaining your weight takes effort. Losing weight takes even more effort. You're not just fighting the laziness of your body, you're battling hard-coded mental patterns that YOU created.
Chew gum. The calories you might take in (next to none) from the gum will be spent in the chewing process, keeping your mouth busy and satisfying any underlying urge for shoving food in your gullet.
Talk. Another diversionary tactic that can also help stimulate your mind and help you form deeper bonds with someone. If you're traveling alone, call a friend you haven't talked to in a while and catch up with them.
Walk it off. This will burn calories and distract your mind.
Indulge in a different interest, such as window-shopping in your favorite part of the store, if that is where you are when hunger strikes.
When you're at home and the craving strikes, do an errand you've been putting off for a while and tell yourself, you can go check the fridge after you're done. But be careful! fridge pickers wear big knickers.
When in doubt, DRINK MORE WATER. You cannot overdose on water, your body needs it, and aside from helping to give a short-term break from hunger, drinking enough water every day will actually help you have more beautiful hair, skin and assist your digestive processes... HELPING YOU LOSE WEIGHT!
Be thinking about it. Maintaining your weight takes effort. Losing weight takes even more effort. You're not just fighting the laziness of your body, you're battling hard-coded mental patterns that YOU created.
Ana risks
- Fatigue and lack of energy
- Amenorrhea(loss of menstruation)
- Skin problems
- Dizziness and headaches
- Dehydration
- Shortness of breath
- Irregular heartbeats
- Cold hands and feet
- Bloating
- Constipation
- Hair loss
- Stomach pains
- Decreased metabolic rate
- Edema (water retention)
- Lanugo(fine downy hair)
- Loss of bone mass
- Kidney and liver damage
- Electrolyte imbalances
- Osteoporosis
- Insomnia
- Anemias
- Infertility
- Depression
- Cathartic colon(caused from laxative abuse)
- Low potassium (most common cause of nocturnal cardiac arrest)
- Cardiac arrest and death
Thinspiration quoates
Thin people look good in all clothes.
Thin is graceful.
You don't need food all the time.
Guys like skinny girls.
Ana girls give the best head because they're always hungry.
skinny is pretty.
You will be able to be proud when wearing a bikini.
Fat is ugly.
People will be able to lift you up.
One moment of happiness from food does not equal the happiness from being skinny.
Have you ever seen anyone not noticing a thin girl?
Food is mean and sneaky, every bite makes you fat bloated and unhappy.
keep calm and stop eating.
Fridge pickers wear big knickers.
To be thin is to look great in those skimpy outfits you see in stores.
If i eat anything, i eat everything... so i eat nothing.
Hunger hurts but starving works.
You will be fat if you eat today.
Do not give up what you most want, for what you most want at the moment.
When you are so strong and clever that you can starve yourself for the better.
Control the food intake, don't let the food intake control you.
Craving is only a feeling.
Eat to live, don't live to eat.
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin.
Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better.
Being thin is more important than food.
you want food? look at those thighs!
nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Don't eat! do you want to stay fat?
Thin is graceful.
You don't need food all the time.
Guys like skinny girls.
Ana girls give the best head because they're always hungry.
skinny is pretty.
You will be able to be proud when wearing a bikini.
Fat is ugly.
People will be able to lift you up.
One moment of happiness from food does not equal the happiness from being skinny.
Have you ever seen anyone not noticing a thin girl?
Food is mean and sneaky, every bite makes you fat bloated and unhappy.
keep calm and stop eating.
Fridge pickers wear big knickers.
To be thin is to look great in those skimpy outfits you see in stores.
If i eat anything, i eat everything... so i eat nothing.
Hunger hurts but starving works.
You will be fat if you eat today.
Do not give up what you most want, for what you most want at the moment.
When you are so strong and clever that you can starve yourself for the better.
Control the food intake, don't let the food intake control you.
Craving is only a feeling.
Eat to live, don't live to eat.
every time you say no to food, you say yes to thin.
Sacrifice is giving up something good for something better.
Being thin is more important than food.
you want food? look at those thighs!
nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
Don't eat! do you want to stay fat?
why I starve myself
- Because I can
- Because I'm the hunger artist
- Because I want to
- Because i van accomplish this, I can do anything!
- Because off all the people in my life who die of jealousy when they see the way I look
- Because it makes me feel brand new every day!
- Because I just won't quit
- Because I have wanted to be this way forever
- Because I don't have any time to waste on food
- Because I can do anything I put my mind to
- Because I have the willpower
- Because it's my life
- Because it's my choice
- Because of my next birthday
- Because it's me. And though I don't advise it to anyone else; I'm too thin, and I don't eat enough, and that's me, and I love it!
70 reasons NOT to eat
- Ana sounds so much better than FATSO
- You'll be perfect
- You'll be FAT if you eat today!
- Starving is control, we like control!
- You'll look prettier
- Guys want you!
- You don't NEED food
- Starving is an excellent example of will power
- People will see your beautiful bones
- People will remember you as the beautiful girl
- Only thin people are graceful
- You'll be able to run faster
- You'll have both inner&outer beauty
- People who eat are selfish and unrealistic
- FAT people can't fit everywhere
- If you eat you'll look like those disgusting, fat, trash hookers
- FAT people are so huge, yet people look away as if they don't exist
- Bones are clean and pure
- FAT is dirty, hangs on you as a parasite
- Thin people look good in ALL clothes
- Fat people die earlier
- Ballerina or beanbag?
- Starving Anorexic girl, or Ugly mingling FAT girl?
- A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
- People will congratulate you on how much you've lost
- You'll use less soap in the shower, and save money
- People won't think 'what a fat cow' when they see you
- Skinny people get better jobs
- Fat people don't get leads in plays
- Starving works, diets don't!
- Food makes you fat
- Fatso's can't be loved
- People LOVE Ana's!
- You'll feel more energetic
- You'll save money on grocery bills
- Think as Anorexia as your secret wapen
- When your fat, it's like your invisible
- You'll look perfect on the outside
- You'll feel more confident and happy
- Thin is in
- Nothing tastes as good as thin feels
- You'll be free without the fat
- Everybody else will be envious
- Perfect body = perfect soul
- Have you ever seen anyone not noticing a thin girl?
- You'll be able to wear mini skirts, without blurry legs
- Friends will envy your body, and admire you
- Do you want to be the fattest person in town?
- Do you want to be Morbid Obese?
- You'll fit in all pretty clothes!
- Models are Anorexic too!
- You die beautiful
- Fat is a lazy person, Ana is control!
- You'll look good on pictures!
- You don't deserve food!
- You'll be able to be proud wearing a bikini!
- Fat people are ugly!
- Calories make you fat, food contains calories
- You'll save time by not eating
- The word FAT will only be used in a sarcastic way
- Fatso's are sooo disgusting!
- Fatso's are lonely because people don't want to look at them
- Is food more important than happiness?
- Food is mean and sneaky, every bite makes you FAT, UGLY, BLOATED, and UNHAPPY!
- You'll look like your favorite model!
- Fat drags you down
- Cell-U-Lite? Or perfection?
- People will be able to lift you up
- You'll be pure, holy and clean!
- Do you want your skin to look like it's going to burst because of all the fat?
facts and myths
Myth: Pro-Ana prays to anorexia.
Reality: There is reference to a religion of sorts that exsists on pro-ana websites, with several referrals of the name "Ana" mentioned. But people, mainly the media and anti's get confused and spread the misinformation that Ana refers to anorexia. The name Ana in the religious conotation actually is the full name Anamadim, and not some goddess named anorexia. The orgin of Anamadim was the creation of a site by the name of Underground Grotto, where there is even a summoning spell to invoke Anamadim. However there is an extremely slim (no pun intended) minority of those on pro-ana sites that partake in this religious style activity. This also has nothing to do with the letters, creeds, commandments, ect. either (see below for that information). It has nothing to do with the huge majority of pro-ana.
Myth: The entire pro-ana religion.
Reality: The pro-ana religion seen on many pro-ana sites was never created by any pro-ana site at all. All the creeds, letters, comandments are all made by professional psychologists in an attempt to make the mindset of the anorexic views be seen through their eyes. This was seen as a powerful message, and to those who are anorexic and wanting to go further into it, seen these messages as motivation instead of the reverse that it was intended to be. It's funny how those that hate pro-ana unwittingly gave it a religion isn't it? Not too many want that be known, and no wonder. Big opps eh? Just so you know, that is their writings if you ever see and/or use it.
Myth: Tips and tricks
Reality: Yeah, you may be on the pro-ed sites looking for some new way to hide something, do it better or if there is something better than what your doing now. But if your parents, relatives, loved ones, co-workers or whoever you are trying to hide it from are thinking you have an eating disorder ... guess what? They are on the same sites you are on reading the same tips and tricks. They may help for a little while, but sooner or later (or already) the one you are hiding it from are going to find out. The sites are real easy to find, but it makes the "T's" that much more in-effective. As they say, you can run but you can't hide.
Myth: Pro-Ana is Pro Death
Reality: If you ever been on a pro-ana forum before, you will notice that alot of the long term members are of a normal to ever so slightly below normal weight range. There is very few long termers that are in the medical anorexic weight range. So true they are thin, but in reality terms, they are in fact normal. In fact many of the extreme thin don't frequent pro-ed forums at all, they are on support forums instead. Of those that get to an extreme level who post pics and weights, are replied back with messages of concern and pleas for them to take care of themselves and to not loose any more weight. Now you have to actually be ON the forums to know this, but those who cry out the evils do not do very good research into what they are talking about. You could say that pro-ana is alot more pro-support leaning than it lets on too.
Myth: Pro-Ana is teaching others to become anorexic
Reality: You cannot "become" anorexic, it is not something you choose like a diet, anorexia chooses you and in the lottery of anorexia winning is loosing more than you know. It's outside factors in your own enviornment that make one eating disordered, not text and pictures on a website. To those that think you can become "ana" ... it won't happen. You may skip a few meals, fast for a few days but that does not make you anorexic at all. Much like a drag queen, you can look act talk walk and sing every bit like Cher ... but you are not Cher. It's simple as that.
Myth: Pro-Ana encourages you to stay anorexic
Reality: This is the touchy one. We don't encourage you to stay anorexic, but this is the biggest way in which we differ from the professional and pro-recovery sites. Instead of treating a disorder itself, pro-ana treats the person. We get to know the individual, what makes them laugh, smile, cry and scared to see what their world is like through their eyes. See, like I said before, eating disorders are a deep rooted problem and there is no point trying to get rid of something that will just come back again instantly. To get rid of this, one must get to the main root and work from there. Once the root is gone, the consequense of eating disorders are that much easier to recover from ... and the process will be a lasting one. This is why the most important part of any ed forum is the journal area.
Reality: There is reference to a religion of sorts that exsists on pro-ana websites, with several referrals of the name "Ana" mentioned. But people, mainly the media and anti's get confused and spread the misinformation that Ana refers to anorexia. The name Ana in the religious conotation actually is the full name Anamadim, and not some goddess named anorexia. The orgin of Anamadim was the creation of a site by the name of Underground Grotto, where there is even a summoning spell to invoke Anamadim. However there is an extremely slim (no pun intended) minority of those on pro-ana sites that partake in this religious style activity. This also has nothing to do with the letters, creeds, commandments, ect. either (see below for that information). It has nothing to do with the huge majority of pro-ana.
Myth: The entire pro-ana religion.
Reality: The pro-ana religion seen on many pro-ana sites was never created by any pro-ana site at all. All the creeds, letters, comandments are all made by professional psychologists in an attempt to make the mindset of the anorexic views be seen through their eyes. This was seen as a powerful message, and to those who are anorexic and wanting to go further into it, seen these messages as motivation instead of the reverse that it was intended to be. It's funny how those that hate pro-ana unwittingly gave it a religion isn't it? Not too many want that be known, and no wonder. Big opps eh? Just so you know, that is their writings if you ever see and/or use it.
Myth: Tips and tricks
Reality: Yeah, you may be on the pro-ed sites looking for some new way to hide something, do it better or if there is something better than what your doing now. But if your parents, relatives, loved ones, co-workers or whoever you are trying to hide it from are thinking you have an eating disorder ... guess what? They are on the same sites you are on reading the same tips and tricks. They may help for a little while, but sooner or later (or already) the one you are hiding it from are going to find out. The sites are real easy to find, but it makes the "T's" that much more in-effective. As they say, you can run but you can't hide.
Myth: Pro-Ana is Pro Death
Reality: If you ever been on a pro-ana forum before, you will notice that alot of the long term members are of a normal to ever so slightly below normal weight range. There is very few long termers that are in the medical anorexic weight range. So true they are thin, but in reality terms, they are in fact normal. In fact many of the extreme thin don't frequent pro-ed forums at all, they are on support forums instead. Of those that get to an extreme level who post pics and weights, are replied back with messages of concern and pleas for them to take care of themselves and to not loose any more weight. Now you have to actually be ON the forums to know this, but those who cry out the evils do not do very good research into what they are talking about. You could say that pro-ana is alot more pro-support leaning than it lets on too.
Myth: Pro-Ana is teaching others to become anorexic
Reality: You cannot "become" anorexic, it is not something you choose like a diet, anorexia chooses you and in the lottery of anorexia winning is loosing more than you know. It's outside factors in your own enviornment that make one eating disordered, not text and pictures on a website. To those that think you can become "ana" ... it won't happen. You may skip a few meals, fast for a few days but that does not make you anorexic at all. Much like a drag queen, you can look act talk walk and sing every bit like Cher ... but you are not Cher. It's simple as that.
Myth: Pro-Ana encourages you to stay anorexic
Reality: This is the touchy one. We don't encourage you to stay anorexic, but this is the biggest way in which we differ from the professional and pro-recovery sites. Instead of treating a disorder itself, pro-ana treats the person. We get to know the individual, what makes them laugh, smile, cry and scared to see what their world is like through their eyes. See, like I said before, eating disorders are a deep rooted problem and there is no point trying to get rid of something that will just come back again instantly. To get rid of this, one must get to the main root and work from there. Once the root is gone, the consequense of eating disorders are that much easier to recover from ... and the process will be a lasting one. This is why the most important part of any ed forum is the journal area.
Ana's Creed
I believe in control, the only force mighty enough to bring order in the chaos that is my world.
I believe in oughts, musts and shoulds, as unbreakable laws to determine my daily behaviour.
I believe in perfection and strive to attain it.
I believe in salvation through starvation.
I believe in calorie counters as the inspired word of god, and memorise then accordingly.
I believe in bathroom scales as an indicator of my daily succeses and failures.
I believe in hell, cause sometimes I think I live in it.
I believe in a wholly black an withe world, the losing of weight, recrimination for sins, the alonegation of the body and a life ever fasting.
I believe in oughts, musts and shoulds, as unbreakable laws to determine my daily behaviour.
I believe in perfection and strive to attain it.
I believe in salvation through starvation.
I believe in calorie counters as the inspired word of god, and memorise then accordingly.
I believe in bathroom scales as an indicator of my daily succeses and failures.
I believe in hell, cause sometimes I think I live in it.
I believe in a wholly black an withe world, the losing of weight, recrimination for sins, the alonegation of the body and a life ever fasting.
foods under 100 calories
Rice cakes - vary from 45-60 calories a piece
Babybel cheese wedge - 50 calories
Sugar Free/Fat Free pudding made with Almond Breeze - counts either 60 or 80 calories per serving
Vitamuffins - I make one batch every two weeks, 100 calories for a muffin
One fun sized hershey bar - 60 calories
Special K Bites - 90 calories per pouch
Bananas - 1/2 a banana usually does it for me...50 calories.
Quaker plain brown rice cakes - 35 calories, spread with a tablespoon of fruit spread - 35 calories.
Jello pudding cups can be as low as 60 calories, or you can have the 100 calorie kind. They satisfy chocolate cravings too.
A small container of yogurt - 60 to 80 calories! Read the labels though. Some kinds are remarkably high in sugar calories.
A glass of skim milk - 80 calories, and it provides protein to keep you from feeling hungry
2 thin slices (1 oz) of deli turkey breast - about 45 calories
1 pc. extra sour rye bread (cut in 2), with 1 thin slice of ham, about 1/4 c. of alfalfa sprouts and a squirt of mustard - about 95 calories
satsumas - 25 calories each
peach celestial seasonings zingers to go with 8 oz water and juice of half a lemon, frozen and crushed in
blender - about 6 calories
sugar free jello black cherry - 10 calories
bin bin rice crackers (1 sachet/2 crackers) - 43 calories
chinese spinach & rice soup: 8oz chicken broth, 1/4 c. yu choy (chinese spinach) and 1/4 c. brown rice - 95 calories
1/2 c cornflakes & 1/4 c skim milk - 70 calories
sunsweet ones (dried prunes) - 25 calories each
2 c green salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, sprouts), 1/2 T bacos, 2 T fat free ranch - about 65 calories
1/2 c baked sweet potato chunks - 90 calories
6 large shrimp (boiled or steamed) & 2 T cocktail sauce - about 70 calories
these are all 50 cals snacks...
Babybel cheese wedge - 50 calories
Sugar Free/Fat Free pudding made with Almond Breeze - counts either 60 or 80 calories per serving
Vitamuffins - I make one batch every two weeks, 100 calories for a muffin
One fun sized hershey bar - 60 calories
Special K Bites - 90 calories per pouch
Bananas - 1/2 a banana usually does it for me...50 calories.
Quaker plain brown rice cakes - 35 calories, spread with a tablespoon of fruit spread - 35 calories.
Jello pudding cups can be as low as 60 calories, or you can have the 100 calorie kind. They satisfy chocolate cravings too.
A small container of yogurt - 60 to 80 calories! Read the labels though. Some kinds are remarkably high in sugar calories.
A glass of skim milk - 80 calories, and it provides protein to keep you from feeling hungry
2 thin slices (1 oz) of deli turkey breast - about 45 calories
1 pc. extra sour rye bread (cut in 2), with 1 thin slice of ham, about 1/4 c. of alfalfa sprouts and a squirt of mustard - about 95 calories
satsumas - 25 calories each
peach celestial seasonings zingers to go with 8 oz water and juice of half a lemon, frozen and crushed in
blender - about 6 calories
sugar free jello black cherry - 10 calories
bin bin rice crackers (1 sachet/2 crackers) - 43 calories
chinese spinach & rice soup: 8oz chicken broth, 1/4 c. yu choy (chinese spinach) and 1/4 c. brown rice - 95 calories
1/2 c cornflakes & 1/4 c skim milk - 70 calories
sunsweet ones (dried prunes) - 25 calories each
2 c green salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, sprouts), 1/2 T bacos, 2 T fat free ranch - about 65 calories
1/2 c baked sweet potato chunks - 90 calories
6 large shrimp (boiled or steamed) & 2 T cocktail sauce - about 70 calories
these are all 50 cals snacks...
- 1 cup Manischewitz Matzo Ball & Soup Mix
- 1/2 of a large grapefruit
- 2.5 cups sugarfree flavored gelatin
- 12 baby carrots
- 3/4 cup serving of fruit smoothie (1 c nonfat sugar-free yogurt, 1 c strawberries, 1 banana, 3 c crushed ice)
- 10 dill pickle spears
- 1.25 c spinich, boiled and drained
- 3/4 cup gazpacho (no bread)
- 1 c chopped cantalope or watermelon
- 1 think slice smoked salmon
- 1.5 pieces California roll
- 1/3 slim jim
- 1.5 strips bacon
- 2 thin slices turkey breast
- 1/2 Nature Valley Oats 'N Honey Granola Bar
- 1 Lightlife Smart Dogs Meatless Franks
- 1/2 cup vegetarian barley soup
- 2 pieces Turtle Island Tofurkey Jurky
- 1/2 wedge of honeydew melon w/thin slice honey ham
- 3 saltines each topped w/ two thin slices turkey pepperoni
- 3 Nabisco Original Wheat Thins topped w/ low-fat cream cheese and thin slice of pickle
- 10 medium strawberries w/ 1 tbsp Cool Whip topping
- 1/2 c diced watermelon mixed w/ 1 tbsp lowfat yogurt
- 1 fig bar
- 1 Charms Junior blow Pop
- 1 tbsp honey
- 2 hershey kisses
- 5 Brach's jelly beans
- 12 M&M's Chocolate Candies
- 5 potato chips
- 2 cups light microwave popcorn
- 4 lowfat Honey Maid Honey Grahams
- 11 dry roasted peanuts
- 6 oz. Dannon Light & Fit nonfat yogurt
- 1/2 low-fat ice cream sandwich
- 1 Breyers "Pure Fruit" Fruit & Cream Bar
- 1 Dove Ice Cream Miniature
- 15 seedless grapes
- 1.5 cups chopped cucumber w/ 3/4 tbsp olive oil, squirt of lemon juice and salt
- 2 medium tomatoes or 16 cherry tomatoes
- 4 pimiento-stuffed Queen olives
- 7 almonds
- 2 oz. red or white wine
- 1 cup V8 100% vegetable juice
- 1 cup light apple juice
- 1 cup coffee w/ 1 tbsp half-and-half and 1 tsp sugar
- 1 diet root beer float w/ 1/4 cup light vanilla ice cream
- unlimited iced tea
- 6 oz. Bud Light
- 2 oz. red or white wine
WATCH WHAT YOU EAT! some fruits and veggies have alot of calories...
Fruits are a wonderful source of carbohydrate, vitamins, minerals and fiber. But, that can be where the similarities end. A list of commonly eaten fruits include the following: one average apple (44 calories), blueberries (49 calories per 100 g), whole grapefruit (100 calories), one large orange (100 calories), diced papaya (67 calories per 20 g) and dates (250 calories). Some choices that are lower in calories are clementines (24 calories), figs (10 calories), seedless grapes (50 calories) and kiwi (34 calories).
Vegetables are a great way to ensure you're getting adequate vitamins and minerals in your diet and are a good source of fiber. Traditionally, vegetables have lower caloric and carbohydrate contents than fruits. Some good choices include asparagus (26 calories), broccoli (32 calories per 100 g), celery (8 calories), mushrooms (15 calories), pumpkin (12 calories), radishes (13 calories), spinach (23 calories), sweet corn (24 calories), tomatoes (18 calories) and yams (110 calories).
Ways to hide Ed
@ The Doctor:
- Drink a lot of water (You'll weigh more!)
- Dress warmly, you're temperature will be somewhat normal
- Make sure SI wounds are healed before seeing the doctor
@ Home & Friends
- Wake up late, so you don't have enough time to eat at home
- Convince yourself (and others!) that your allergic to things
- Say your ill
- Say you've already ate
- Go to bed early, you can't eat when you're asleep
- Say you'll eat somewhere else
- Say your on a medication which screws up your appetite
- Leave a plate with breadcrumbs in the kitchen
- Take some cookies, or chips up to your room, and trow it away, then leave the empty packages in a place where parent will notice them
- When you're at a party or something, just find something like a muffin or a piece of pie you can carry around, throw away some bites, and eventually, hide the whole thing
- Don't forget to get rid of food you where supposed to eat, get rid of all the evidence!
- Put your diet pill in a vitamin bottle
- Don't tell anyone you think you're fat!
- Don't tell anyone you're on a diet!
- Tell people you are sooo hungry for a hamburger or something, then disappear, and when you return, tell them it was delicious!
- Invent some mysterious illness, which will be a good excuse not to eat
- Pretend to be in love (takes away you're appetite!)
@ Excuses:- I'm not hungry
- I already ate
- I feel sick
- I will eat later
- I'm allergic
- I don't have any money (and forgot my bread, and yeah, I'm allergic to everything, so I can't eat yours!)
- I'm a veggie/vegan
- I don't like...
- I have to go somewhere
- Just say no
- It's almost dinner time, and my mom cooked a 3 course dinner
- Drink a lot of water (You'll weigh more!)
- Dress warmly, you're temperature will be somewhat normal
- Make sure SI wounds are healed before seeing the doctor
@ Home & Friends
- Wake up late, so you don't have enough time to eat at home
- Convince yourself (and others!) that your allergic to things
- Say your ill
- Say you've already ate
- Go to bed early, you can't eat when you're asleep
- Say you'll eat somewhere else
- Say your on a medication which screws up your appetite
- Leave a plate with breadcrumbs in the kitchen
- Take some cookies, or chips up to your room, and trow it away, then leave the empty packages in a place where parent will notice them
- When you're at a party or something, just find something like a muffin or a piece of pie you can carry around, throw away some bites, and eventually, hide the whole thing
- Don't forget to get rid of food you where supposed to eat, get rid of all the evidence!
- Put your diet pill in a vitamin bottle
- Don't tell anyone you think you're fat!
- Don't tell anyone you're on a diet!
- Tell people you are sooo hungry for a hamburger or something, then disappear, and when you return, tell them it was delicious!
- Invent some mysterious illness, which will be a good excuse not to eat
- Pretend to be in love (takes away you're appetite!)
@ Excuses:- I'm not hungry
- I already ate
- I feel sick
- I will eat later
- I'm allergic
- I don't have any money (and forgot my bread, and yeah, I'm allergic to everything, so I can't eat yours!)
- I'm a veggie/vegan
- I don't like...
- I have to go somewhere
- Just say no
- It's almost dinner time, and my mom cooked a 3 course dinner
Ways to hide
- If you find you must go to a family or somewhat thing, get something reasonable like a muffin, and just carry it around with you.
- Put dishes in the sink, leave evidence from what you've eaten
- Don't forget to get rid of food you were supposed to eat
- Put your diet pills in a vitamin bottle
- Don't tell people you think you are fat
- Invet some mysterious illness, wich will be a good excuse not to eat!
- Don't raise suspicions, once people realize what you are doing, they'll watch and monitor you every minute. Start hiding your habits and practices from day one, so no one has ever seen any of it. When one thinks your anorexic, there is nothing you can say to convince them you're not.
- Check the fridge when no one is around. Get some food, prepare it, and then trow it away. For example, some eggs.. get three eggs and some butter, bake the eggs, throw them on a plate with some bread, and then dispose them. Leave silverwhere too!
- Don;t ever talk about food with other people, they'll think that your obsessed if you do this too much. And, talking about food may raise the question of you already ate. In case they do, have your excuses ready: 'My stomach is upset' ' I'm to exited/nervous/busy etc. to eat' 'I don't feel like....' 'I'm not hungry yet, I'll get something later'
- Spend different meals with different groups of people, tell them all that you had a big meal earlier or will be eating something later on. Make sure the different people will not be comparing notes. Or plan your schedule so you're too busy at mealtimes to eat then.
- Trash. Watch where you dispose of uneaten food or other "evidence", make sure that it isn't going to be seen or found by anyone. Wrap food up and throw it away outside the house. If you live alone, always take the trash out before anyone else comes over.
- Buy food. People are fairly predictable. If they see you buy food and come home with food, then they just naturally assume that you eat it as well. Get things like crackers and cookies , keep them in your room, and carefully pack them out again later to throw away. Careful, this can be a little dangerous if you're prone to binging and have trouble keeping food around, or if you feel guilty about throwing food away. If the food's something you don't like and won't binge on this may be easier to do.
- Don't get angry. Don't deny everything if confronted. People will believe a little truth with a big lie much easier than a huge lie. Act as if it's no big deal instead of reacting emotionally and people will tend to believe you.
- Tell people you're on a diet, you became a vegetarian, your doctor has you eating only certain things, whatever. Often people will be very helpful in keeping you from eating if they think there's a socially acceptable reason for it.
- Don't show off your weight loss until you've reached the weight you want to remain at. People will start to watch you more carefully and maybe ask questions, and you want to avoid calling attention to yourself.
love the lemon juice
It would seem so in the light of evidence pertaining to the effectiveness of lemons in improving digestion and helping the body regulate the absorption of sugar. That’s not all, it has also been found that Vitamin C is a great asset to anyone who is serious about weight loss simply because it helps the body absorb calcium into its fat cells, which in turn helps you lose weight.
The secret lies in the “acidity” content in a lemon. Lemons are rich in citric acid, so when you take a glass of lemon juice in plain warm water first thing in the morning, you introduce healthy natural digestive aid into your stomach. The citric acid, from lemons, end up interacting with the other acids and enzymes in your digestive tract which results in a healthy and problem free digestion.
The secret lies in the “acidity” content in a lemon. Lemons are rich in citric acid, so when you take a glass of lemon juice in plain warm water first thing in the morning, you introduce healthy natural digestive aid into your stomach. The citric acid, from lemons, end up interacting with the other acids and enzymes in your digestive tract which results in a healthy and problem free digestion.

24 November 2011
hope it helps...
Always take the stairs. Every carb counts!
Resist to eat out.
tea helps to calm and soothe the tummy when you have stomach cramps.
know when your trigger binge time is and avoid it.
Eat more negative calorie foods like fruits and vegetables. they'll keep your digestive system moving with fewer calories.
Drink lots of water, as you already should be doing, this way your body will be well hydrated, and you will less likely become lethargic.
If you're eating a few larger meals each day, try eating smaller bits of food more often, so if your eating 1 meal then make it two smaller one etc. Changing your caloric intake does not always mean decreasing! if your metabolism has slowed down, it may need some more calories to speed up a bit.
You can also try a spike, this is when you eat regular meals for one day (should equal roughly 1500 cals) to jump start your metabolism, then simply return to your regular eating habits the next day.
Resist to eat out.
tea helps to calm and soothe the tummy when you have stomach cramps.
know when your trigger binge time is and avoid it.
Eat more negative calorie foods like fruits and vegetables. they'll keep your digestive system moving with fewer calories.
Drink lots of water, as you already should be doing, this way your body will be well hydrated, and you will less likely become lethargic.
If you're eating a few larger meals each day, try eating smaller bits of food more often, so if your eating 1 meal then make it two smaller one etc. Changing your caloric intake does not always mean decreasing! if your metabolism has slowed down, it may need some more calories to speed up a bit.
You can also try a spike, this is when you eat regular meals for one day (should equal roughly 1500 cals) to jump start your metabolism, then simply return to your regular eating habits the next day.
is my bone sticking out?
If wondering wheather to eat something, feel your bones, if they stick out, you're making progress. IF YOU EAT YOU WILL LOSE THAT AND BE FAT!
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