25 November 2011


We as anorexics tend to suffer from minerl deficiency because we pass up most of our daily vitamins and minerals (which come from food). Therefore it is advised to take multi vitamins and thus nsuring that you stay healthy and your body continues to look perfect.

Vitamin A: (retinol)
this vitamin is good for eyesight, appetite and taste.

Vitamin B1: (thiamine)
vitamin is good for the nervous system, digestion, muscles, heart and alcohol damaged nerve tissue.

Vitamin B2: (riboflavin)
vitamin is good for growth, nails, skin, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, (and if you dare eat this) the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Vitamin B6: (pyridoxine)
this vitamin prevents skin conditions and nerve problems.

Vitamin B12: (cobalamin)
this vitamin is good for making red blood cells and the formation of nerves.

Vitamin C: (ascorbic acid)
this vitamin is good for immune defence system, protection from viruses and bacteria, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, cell lifespan and preventing scurvy.

Vitamin D:
this vitamin is good for strong bones and teeth.

Vitamin E: (tocopherol)
this vitamin is good for fighting toxins. (is a good antioxidant)

Folic acid:
production of red blood cells.

this is good for strong bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contraction and blood clotting.

this is good for red blood cells and muscle function, white blood cells and the immune system.

good for converting energy from food, cell repair, building strong bones, teeth and muscles and regulating body temperature.

good for the immune system and the breakdown of protein and fat.

do not overdose in vitamins. take the recomended daily amount that you will find on the package. an overdose will result in the opposite effect and can be dangerous to your body.

I've found that with taking vitamins, its like eating and planing a meal. You would not eat the same thing every day. swap your vitamins around and get a covered basis of all vitamins in a week. I recomend up to 4 different vitamins every day so that your body can use them and not dispose of them.

Good luck and stay healthy.

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